From the inception of Farmdesk, our mission was to support livestock farmers in their total feed management, from land to milk (as beautifully depicted in our logo).
The importance of a technically and economically balanced cropping plan cannot be overemphasized. By optimizing the own crops, feed costs can be significantly reduced and milk production often improved.
To the left in the navigation bar, you will now find a brand new module under Cultivation > Crop Simulator . In this Cultivation Simulator, you can enter your optimum ration and the corresponding cultivation plan is calculated, or vice versa. Here we also take into account the needs of young cattle and transition cattle. Simultaneously, you also see the corresponding feed cost, so you optimize technically and economically.

Getting Started
The cultivation simulator is available to everyone. For optimal use, we recommend that you contact your linked SEED2FEED advisor.
Send a message via chat, and schedule a consultation to create a cultivation plan together, taking into account your individual requirements and the possibilities on your farm.
We wish you good luck with using the new module. Do you have any questions or comments? Do not hesitate to contact us.