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  • Jef Aernouts

    Jef Aernouts is the manager of Farmdesk. With experience as a product developer, a PhD in Physics and a farming background, he is the connecting bridge between digital innovation and on-farm practice.


Pursuing high protein efficiency: good for the wallet ánd the environment

Farm economics can indeed go hand in hand with environmentally friendly production: the higher the protein efficiency, the higher the profit per cow.
Wim Govaerts, Lode Slaets, Jef Aernouts

Carbon footprint reduction on a Flemish dairy farm: is 30% possible?

The answer is yes - where the road to it on a typical dairy farm will consist of a combination of measures. It will also have a reasonable impact on farm management, but not necessarily with a negative economic impact.
Jef Aernouts, Lode Slaets, Willem Govaerts, Wim Govaerts

Carbon footprint of Flemish milk - case study with Farmdesk Climate

The dairy industry has ambitious climate goals by 2030. We believe dairy farmers need to be involved in the story and that in addition to greenhouse gas emissions, the economic impact needs to be monitored. Farmdesk Climate is the solution.
Jef Aernouts, Lode Slaets, Willem Govaerts, Wim Govaerts

New website for revised business strategy

Learn more about our customized business strategy: supporting farmers and sector enterprises by combining sotfware, agricultural knowledge and data engineering into innovative solutions.
Jef Aernouts

How silage corn boosts milk production: analysis on starch, DVE and VEM

In this article, we analyze the relationship between starch on the one hand and VEM and DVE on the other hand to better depict the milk-driven nature of silage corn.
Daya Will, Jef Aernouts

Updated standard fertilizer costs for 2023-2024 season

Fertilizer costs in 2023 were remarkably lower than those in 2022, so we adjusted the standard fertilizer cost prices in Farmdesk. A brief overview.
Daya Will, Jef Aernouts

How do milk prices affect cows and dairy farmers?

In this analysis, we examine the effect of milk price on milk production and feed profits. In addition, we discuss some concerns in the current climate of relatively lower milk prices.
Jef Aernouts, Wim Govaerts

Dehusked wheat in Farmdesk

Dehusked wheat or soda train is a common feed material. Quite a few farmers make it themselves by mixing wheat with water and caustic soda. Read how to handle it in this article in Farmdesk.
Jef Aernouts

Updates fresh grass module

The original Farmdesk fresh grass model was created based on measurement data from 2020. The model was recalibrated after adding data from the years 2021 and 2022.
Jef Aernouts, Lode Slaets

Farmdesk ration calculation - some changes

From now on you will also find NDF, ADL, Resistant Starch and DS percentage in the typical Farmdesk ration graph. In this article a motivation (why?) and more background (how? and what?) to this update.
Jef Aernouts, Wim Govaerts

Update standard cultivation costs 2022-2023

Cultivation costs in 2022 are significantly higher than those in 2021, think for example of the price increase of contract labor or fertilizer. In Farmdesk, we have therefore adjusted the standard cost prices.
Jef Aernouts

How important is cornstalk digestibility?

Cut corn is ubiquitous in dairy rations. The corn stalk is very low in protein, requiring correction with expensive protein. Better to combine the grain with protein-rich stalks from grass (clover)?
Wim Govaerts, Jef Aernouts